The citizens of Missouri have collected over 300,000 signatures in support of an initiative that seeks to legalize sports betting in the state. According to the law, another 171,000 signatures are required if this motion is to make it the ballot. This jurisdiction is one of the stragglers in matters concerning legalization of sports betting, and for the first time, the residents can have hope that this is soon going to be a reality for them.
Sports betting is legally prohibited in Missouri following a high-profile impasse that took place in the state’s general assembly. The good thing is that the neighbors, Kansas and Illinois have a legalized sports gambling industry so enthusiasts cross over the border when they want to place bets.
The group behind the ballot initiative to legalize sports betting in Missouri is known as the Winning for Missouri Education and their mission is to give residents the freedom to vote if they want to. If it makes it through the ballot, Missourians will join the league of states where bets can be made on various platforms as preferred by players. Some of the common avenues available for sports betting include sports stadiums, casinos, smartphones and computers. They stated that they had a requirement and there was every indication that their objectives would be realized.
Speaking on the outcome of the initiative, the spokesperson of the campaign, Jack Cardetti, encouraged the residents of Missouri to support them. The truth is that there only about 10 states in the entire country that are yet to set up legal systems for sports betting. Cardetti was speaking on the “The Politically Speaking Hour show” last week, where he stated that Missouri was losing out on a ton of revenue from sports betting that other states enjoy. As per the revenues generated by the gambling industry in general, sports betting could potentially generate millions of dollars that could in turn be channeled towards development of learning infrastructure and economic growth.
Apart from earning revenue for the administration and property taxes relief for investors, the ballot initiative also seeks to push for a responsible and regulated gambling environment for players.
A legal sports betting environment is a safe space for all stakeholders – state projects would get guaranteed funding and compulsive gambling would be arrested. The critics on the other hand argue that legalizing sports gambling would tempt lawmakers to channel budget allocations elsewhere in the hope that gaming proceeds would help to cover the deficits. Cardetti stated that having a constitution will ensure that any funds generated will go towards the intended purpose.
If the gambling law is established, the money will be used to fund education in Missouri so that the children of the states can benefit from the initiative. Considering the state of education in the state, the education system could greatly benefit from a permanent source of funds injection. It is a fact that times have changed and sports betting is the new online craze. Since it is presumably going to be around for a long time, the group executives are sure that it will serve as a stable source of funding for education purposes throughout the state.
There is a huge force pushing for the success of the ballot initiative – major sports franchises such as the St. Louis Cardinals, Kansas City Royals, the Kansas City Chiefs and the St. Louis Blues, have rallied behind the lobby group. If it is passed, this initiative will allow the partner sports franchises to set aside an area for the sports betting operations without the area of sports stadiums.
In his view, Cardetti views this partnership as an impactful way of increasing fan engagement. This also means that they bear a competitive disadvantage in comparison to other teams and states that enjoy a similar revenue stream. Another key aspect of this initiative is a proposal by the Missouri Gaming Commission to only grant licenses to authorize two mobile sports betting operators to run business in the state.
What we cover
How the impasse came to be
A portion of Missouri lawmakers which includes Sen. Denny Hoskins have put their weight behind establishing a legal sports betting sector without doing the same for video lottery terminals – these are gambling machines that are often synonymous with fraternal halls and gas stations. The Republican in charge of Warrensburg County stated that casino establishments have been profusely against the initiative to support the legalization of VLTs mainly because they would pose as competitors for their business. Hoskins is however skeptical about this argument since most people in his opinion visit casinos for the social atmosphere.
It is rather unlikely that a group of friends would say to each other, “let’s head over to that truck stop over there and have some roller dogs as we play VLTs.” Hoskins is hopeful that this bone of contention would be ironed out if people stopped paying attention to special interests. Cardetti thinks that the main reason behind the stalling of the bill by lawmakers to legalize sports betting has resulted in the rising up f a backer to push through with the process.
It is in the public domain that the residents of Missouri are eager to have their own sports betting space – the enthusiasm is overwhelming. Just speaking to residents that cross over to the nearby states is enough to gauge the level of interest that Missouri voters have. Well, the legislature has had their shot at this initiative every year for a long time without any tangible results. Meanwhile Cardetti and his team are drawing inspiration from the fact that out of the eight states that border Missouri, seven of them have legal sports betting.
Final Thoughts
The dice has been cast on Missouri and Cardetti is not letting the odds fall against his efforts. Supporters already see light at the end of the tunnel and this is positive for this struggle. If the effort, support and amount of revenue that Missouri contributes to other states through gambling is anything to go by, this initiative is soon sailing through.