It is not common to hear of people who have accomplished personal goals after attaining the age of 67 but the narrative is gradually changing. The National Senior Games, by Humana, is a new source of hope for those over 50 years old who would still want to be involved in competitive sports at an advanced age. From 1987 when the first ever games in this category of sports were held in St. Louis, more adults are joining in. The National Senior Games initiative has proven to be a great motivation for staying fit and leading healthy and active lifestyles.
The National Senior Games of 2023 which took place in Pittsburgh attracted close to 12,000 athletes drawn from all corners of the country. Participants were free to choose from 21 unique sports. Humana has continued to encourage entrants in various ways – starting from 2013, outstanding athletes have been recognized through prize awards. For players to stand out, they must be Humana Game Changers promoting active aging and inspiring people to pursue good health throughout their lives.
In the current day, Patch has focused on 67-year-old James Lewis, a resident of Harvey who clinched second place in the men’s basketball games organized by the National Senior Games. Lewis has been reported to be a lover of basketball and is passionate about motivating and inspiring others to pursue active lifestyles irrespective of their age.
What we cover
His journey to getting involved in active sports
Lewis participated in basketball throughout grade school all the way into high school. He did not manage to follow his dreams of playing sports when in college but kept the dream alive. To keep the competitive spirit active, he faithfully took place in competitive 3v3 basketball, up to a time in the recent past when he switched to playing 5v5. This is the level at which he began traveling for Masters Basketball Tournaments around the country for the past 13 years.
Beating the odds to make it to the top
Lewis shares that he suffered a bone spur and hernia in the left great toe when he was 39 years old. When he was still in the recovery phase, he deliberately made a resolution to grow healthier and stronger. Taking part in the National Senior Games meant coming to terms with the fact that he had to prepare his body physically for the exertion required to get back in shape.
He was among the 28 athletes who were picked from thousands of participants who took part in the National Senior Games of 2023 – competing for the prestige of being crowned as a Humana Game Changer. Lewis considers it an honor to be recognized in this manner considering that the number of people he was competing against was more than 11,500. It is a humbling experience for someone who would ordinarily not be allowed to compete in mainstream events but still loves doing it. Other seniors can draw life lessons from what he is achieving in his life and get encouraged to at least take care of their bodies as they advance in age.
What are the benefits of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle?
It is a fact that many people cut their lives short due to poor health which is caused by being inactive most of their lives. This is a great lesson for anyone who wishes to remain healthy as they age. By embracing an active lifestyle as early as possible, the process of aging is slowed and this will in turn lead to a better quality of life. While some people find it easier to keep fit through an exercise regime, participating in competitive sports is a good idea for those who have a hard time following through. Equally as important to overall good health is keeping the mind healthy – physical activity clears the mind and promotes mental well-being.
The greatest advantage of staying active is that it does not matter at what age one decides to follow through. To break the monotony of physical activity at the point of starting, it is advisable to have a partner, take walks together, and engage in a hobby or activity. It is normal to get started on a high and find that the energy fades as you progress – don’t feel guilty about resting and resuming the next day. Suppose you feel like stopping because of aches, carry on with the activity because it takes the mind off pain.
How is it like to compete in the 2023 National Senior Games?
It is a memorable experience for those who participated in the National Senior Games of 2023; many describe it as an event that they will never forget. From interacting with seniors of the same age group to connecting with athletes from different parts of the world, the experience not only refreshes the body but also the mind.
It is considered an honor to be a Humana Game Changer, an opportunity to incorporate sports into the regular conversations around healthy living and active lifestyles. With the Humana Game Changer medal appointees can take photos of any athletes taking part in the event – provided a participant is between 50 to 85 years of age. The best shots range from teams of men and women as well as individuals involved in basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. Law enforcement and referees officiating the games are also allowed in pictures of appointee Humana Game Changers. This is an honor and privilege for those who make it to that capacity in the series.
About Humana
The presence of Humana in the adult competitive sports scene has been felt since its inception in 2007. The organization has from then on been sponsoring the National Senior Games, which is a celebrated senior athletes association in collaboration with NSGA. Particularly, a huge chunk of the support offered goes into funding the activities of the National Senior Games as they encourage adults to remain active throughout.